Oscar Verho
Oscar began his research career at the chemistry program of Stockholm University, where his passion for organic chemistry was sparked. In 2010, he joined Prof. Jan-Erling Bäckvall's laboratory at the Department of Organic Chemistry as a graduate student, where he later obtained his PhD degree in 2014 with a thesis focusing on different ruthenium and palladium-catalyzed transformations.
After receiving postdoctoral funding from the Swedish Chemical Society and the Wenner-Gren Fellow Program in 2015, Oscar pursued postdoctoral studies in the group of Prof. Stuart L. Schreiber at Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, where he worked 2.5 years on the discovery and synthesis of bioactive molecules for various therapeutic applications. During this very stimulating research period, he became extremely fascinated in chemical biology and the role organic chemistry can play in advancing our understanding of human biology.
As a part of the repatriation mechanism of the Wenner-Gren Fellow Program, Oscar returned to Stockholm University in 2017 where he began establishing his own independent academic research group. In the spring 2020, he moved onto the Departmart of Medicinal Chemistry at Uppsala University, where he is currently situated. Here, he first became docent in Medicinal Chemistry in 2020, and then during 2022 he was appointed to Senior Lecture and Associate Professor. He is currently leading several research projects in the area of organic chemistry and medicinal chemistry. Furthermore, he is CEO and co-founder of the company HyEnGen, which seeks to innovate the green hydrogen market.
Education & Degrees
Medicinal Chemistry, Uppsala University
Ph. D. in Organic Chemistry
Prof. Bäckvall's Group, Stockholm University
M. Sc. in Organic Chemistry
Stockholm University
B. Sc. in Chemistry
Stockholm University
Associate Professor/Senior Lecturer
Uppsala University
Uppsala University
Wenner-Gren Research Fellow
Stockholm University
Awards & Fellowships
Olle Engkvist Foundation Project Grant 2023
Wennergren Foundations Research Grant 2022
Magnus Bergvall Foundation Research Grant 2022
FORMAS young-investigator grant 2022
VR Research collaboration grant Brazil-Sweden 2021
Uppsala Antibiotic Center PhD grant 2021 (co-applicant)
Futura Foundation Research Grant 2021​
Docent in Medicinal Chemistry at Uppsala University 2020
Futura Foundation Research Grant 2019​ (co-applicant)
Magnus Bergvall's Foundation Research Grant 2019
Stiftelsen Olle Engkvist Byggmästare Research Grant 2018​
Wenner-Gren Foundation’s Fellow Program 2015
Swedish Research Council’s International Postdoc Fellowship 2015
Knut & Alice Wallenberg Foundation’s fellowship for postdoctoral studies at Broad Institute 2015
Swedish Medical Society’s postdoctoral scholarship 2015
Wenner-Gren Foundation’s general postdoctoral scholarship 2014
Elisabeth & Alfred Ahlqvist Foundation’s postdoctoral scholarship 2014
Bengt Lundkvist Memorial Foundation’s postdoctoral scholarship 2014
Current Funding
Postdoctoral Researcher (Schreiber group)
Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard